
Showing posts from September, 2023

When A Capitalst Chick Speaks Volumes More Than American Socialists

American socialists can be so stupid. Since when did Communism have no cops? The Komunistang Sosyal countries of China and Vietnam require policemen. This video would totally be an eye-opener. Defund the police? Well, if these American socialists want a cop-free Communist state then they're not welcome in China or Vietnam.  Just think that the Communist youth groups in Vietnam and China are training people to be future cops. These cops will crack down on dissidents like the rebellious American youth. 

Learning Vietnam's Commie Open FDI Farming Techniques

The common claim of nutjobs like the CPP-NPA legal fronts is FDI ruins agriculture daw. That's a very malaking kasingulanigan because Vietnam has managed to learn to manage things well. There's always some degree of environmental destruction. However, there's also green and friendly technology which will MINIMIZE the effects and there are also rest periods to help nature recuperate. The Communist view would be the following according to the Vietnam Briefing : Foreign investment in Vietnamese farms As far as investment goes, plant-based agriculture does not carry any conditions for foreign investors. The establishment and registration of a foreign company wishing to invest in agriculture simply needs to comply with the standard investment, enterprise, and company laws. That said, the 2013 Land Law, does not permit foreign investors to acquire land to build farms in Vietnam. Therefore, in order to establish a farm in the country, foreign investors can only rent the land. To d

Vietnamese Groceries are Models for Komunistang Sosyal

People tend to despise socialism because all they see are Venezuelans and North Koreans starving. The groceries in Venezuela hardly have choices. Not so with the Vietnamese grocery. It's because Vietnam followed the Ho Chi Minh thought as well as Doi Moi. It also followed Deng Xiaoping Thought which says, "It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white - as long as it catches mice." That's what caused the Vietnamese groceries, all pledging allegiance to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), to become bigger and better. Venezuelans have no choice but to eat rotten meat. No, not in Vietnam, as the Communist groceries of Vietnam don't care if the machinery and products are Vietnamese or not. What's important is that each and every Vietnamese-owned business has the resources to continue Doi Moi. What's important is that this equipment will give the working class the best equipment to work with. The working class should be supplied with safe working environ

Komunistang Sosyal Events: Letting Capitalists and Islamic Theocrats Compete Against Communists in Hangzhou 2023

The power of Communism is through constant struggle. Communists can't prove themselves to be Communists unless they survive a struggle. There will be capitalists and Islamic theocrats. The communist athletes are from North Korea and Vietnam. There will be capitalist forces such as Taiwan and South Korea. Islamic theocracies are mostly from Arab countries and Pakistan. For a full list of contestants, see here . The Chinese Communist Youth League isn't playing to win. Instead, they're playing to enjoy the power of the struggle. A constant class struggle between the athletes sent by the bourgeoise, the Islamic theocrats, and the Communists. The Komunistang Sosyal still views North Korea having not achieved true socialism as China and Vietnam have. Meanwhile, bourgeoise nations like America and South Korea ended up realizing the power of socialist production schemes. Apple factories built on China and Vietnam speak volumes! The class struggle is further displayed in the Asian g

Venezuela Ain't True Socialism, Venezuela's Hot Chicks May Want to Marry Chinese/Vietnamese Commies Instead

It's a sad fact that Venezuela hasn't really become true socialism or Komunistang Sosyal. It's because the country chose the isolationist road. Vietnam's Dakilang Guro of Komunistang Sosyal, Ho Chi Minh, took a modified Leninist road. This is what's called the Ho Chi Minh Thought . Ho himself wrote against protectionist policies - something that Nicolas Maduro had widely ignored while he bloated his own belly.  It's a sad thing that Venezuela has so many beautiful women not realizing that the late Hugo Chavez and recently, Maduro, made socialism all wrong. Chinese and Vietnamese are enjoying fresh socialist meat (from private firms pledging allegiance to the Communist state) while Venezuelans have been eating rotten meat. Would've Venezuela opened its doors - it would've had experienced the real power of socialism. It's no wonder Venezuelan women want to marry foreigners .  It might be ideal, incredibly ideal, if Chinese men can't find a wife (th

Ho Chi Minh Thought on Foreign Policy and International Trade

Filipino communists clamor for an isolationist, protectionist Philippines. However, one of the Dakilang Guros, Ho Chi Minh, whose face is somehow never raised during CPP-NPA rallies, called for foreign policy. These words from the Vietnam Consulate give an idea of Ho's thoughts on foreign policy: President Ho Chi Minh is a great leader of Viet Nam and also the founder of Viet Nam’s modern diplomacy and the State of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam in 1945. Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts on diplomacy form an integral part of his thoughts on Viet Nam’s revolutionary lines. It is a system of theories, viewpoints and outlooks on the world and our times, international policy lines, diplomatic strategy and tactics. Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts combine Viet Nam’s traditional diplomacy and the quintessence of various cultures and diplomatic experience in the world. Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts view national independence and together with it socialism as the guiding principle of foreign policy. While uphol

The "It's More Fun in the Philippines" Opium

As Christmas is fast approaching, it's time to examine the biggest problem among Filipinos. Sadly, the CPP-NPA has been victimized by this. There was the ghastly slogan called "It's More Fun in the Philippines". Christmas is celebrated far earlier in the Philippines than in the rest of the world. The slogan itself was used to mask several problems rather than treat them. It has become a slogan to defend impunity such as, "(Insert something wrong, it's more fun in the Philippines." The slogan has made idiots out of Filipinos. The whole slogan has become what it is - a ghastly slogan. Instead of addressing the problem, it seems that the slogan "It's More Fun in the Philippines" has become stupid stuff like: Traffic... it's more fun in the Philippines! Being late... it's more fun in the Philippines! Not paying debts... it's more fun in the Philippines! Throwing garbage anywhere... it's more fun in the Philippines! Lack of famil

Music Mondays: No to ROTC? Well, Listen to "We're All Dream Chasers" Sang by the Chinese Military Youth Recruits

The CPP-NPA legal front known as Kabataan Partylist has been protesting, "NO TO ROTC!" They have also demanded the police be defunded. Nonsense! Communism is never complete without soldiers and tanks! This rendition of "We're All Dream Chasers" by the Chinese military youth recruits. This rendition would be a far cry from this... The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can't honor the likes of the Kabataan Partylist. Worse, the Kabataan Partylist members are all crybabies. They want to fight China but no to military training? What a shame! 

Music Mondays: Ju Jingyi's Red Dream (红昭愿)

This is mesmerizing music that would drive anyone into the red dream. The beautiful Ju Jingyi has been a long endorser of iPhones. Does it sound contradictory for Jingyi herself to be using iPhones? Not at all ever since China had accepted FDIs into the inventory. Capitalism is just an economic system. In the struggle to hit the world market - capitalists have ended up bowing down to socialist states to establish their factories.  Many of the Chinese youths have subscribed to the new form of socialism or the Komunistang Sosyal movement thanks to SHN48. However, the Chinese Communist Party and the Communist Party of Vietnam had to increase censorship because the Communist youths probably suckered into capitalism through beautiful naked women. The Chinese Communist Party can allow bikini commie girls but not completely naked women. That's of course unless the CCP wants people to think that people become so poor that they can't afford clothes. It's time to really put Vladimir

Communist Music Mondays: "Beat It" With the Chinese Communist Party Edit

Here's a brilliant edit to represent the power of Komunistang Sosyal. This edit represents how Communist China dares capitalist countries to compete against its socialist industries. The song "Beat It" was sung by the late Michael Jackson. Capitalist music can be converted towards a socialist agenda. The song would fit best with the Chinese Communist Party's order of "Beat It!"

Cooking with Communism: Why Let Capitalist South Korean Restaurants Compete Against Socialist Vietnamese Cuisine

The power of the Komunistang Sosyal is built on the power of struggle. The Dakilang Guro Deng Xiaoping, the founder of Socialism with Chinese characteristics said the following: Our current principles and policies were formulated at the Third Plenary Session of our Party’s Eleventh Central Committee, held in 1978. Over the last eight years we have done relatively good work. Before that we lost too much time, especially the decade of the “cultural revolution”, when we created troubles for ourselves with disastrous results. But we have learned from experience: these principles and policies are the product of the lessons we learned from the “cultural revolution”. The fundamental thing we have learned is that we must be clear about what socialism and communism are and about how to build socialism. The way to build socialism must be determined by the particular conditions in each country. I believe you can understand why we propose to build a socialism adapted to conditions in China. In the

Cooking with Communism: Bon Bo Hue, Ang Pochero ng Komunistang Sosyal

Greetings comrades! It's time for another segment of Cooking with Communism! People may say that capitalist broths taste good. Well say no more and one may want to taste this new soup called Bun Bo Hue. It's a fiery soup that's fit for a Communist, according to the great teachers Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Mao loved spicy braised pork belly and Deng loved spicy fish hotpot.  For a revolutionary, the Bon Bo Hue would be that spicy revolutionary meal for every Communist. The recipe is primarily made of beef. However, pork bones can be mixed into it to add more flavor. The capitalist beef soups of South Korea aren't too difficult. Of course, the Komunistang Sosyal will not endorse North Korea dishes because it's a failed socialist state. Sure, Vietnamese have accepted Korean capitalist broths but diners may find Bon Bo Hue better than Seollongtang.  With the Bon Bo Hue, Communists can delight in the successful revolution of a beef broth.

Cooking with Communism: Banh Flan from Vietnam

It's time for another segment of Cooking with Communism. The origins came from Imperialist French. However, thanks to the effort of Dakilang Guro Ho Chi Minh, the Communists have figured out out to make Communist flan - a luxury that the CPP-NPA can only dream of having because of their outdated ideals. Now, for the origins according to Savory Sweet Spoon : It is believed that flan was introduced to Vietnam during the period of French colonization, which began in the mid-19th century and lasted until the mid-20th century. The French brought with them their cuisine and culinary traditions, including desserts like flan. During the colonial period, French cuisine was popularized among the Vietnamese upper class and the wealthy, who were exposed to French-style cooking through French restaurants and patisseries. Vietnamese cooks and chefs adapted some of the French dishes to local tastes and ingredients, resulting in new culinary creations that fused French and Vietnamese influences. F

Cooking with Communism: Vietnamese Beef Pho

Some may say capitalism is better than socialism. In some cases, socialism started to produce better food. The ideals of Deng Xiaoping's Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Nguyen Duy Cong's Doi Moi are there. Both are foundations of Komunistang Sosyal. Doi Moi followed to make Vietnamese a powerhouse. The idea of Communism is to unite the human race. It's not create some isolationist state like North Korea. If socialism failed North Korea - it was because of isolationist policies and not South Korea (democracy) or China (Komunistang Sosyal). The mixture of beef pho might be more hearty than capitalist seollongtang. True, seollongtang is delicious and a hearty meal that North Koreans can barely afford. However, with beef pho, one might get a better impression of Communist cooking. Pho has more meat and filling, more vegetables, and may potentially be more nutritious than seollongtang. It might just be the right dish to spread the ideology of Komunistang Sosyal.  Viet

Music Mondays: It's Not Contradictory to Enjoy Blackpink (or K-Pop) in Communist Vietnam

It's true that Blackpink is from capitalist South Korea instead of communist North Korea. Yet, many miss the point that socialism (or sosyalism) is Komunistang Sosyal. Blackpink had its concert a few months ago. North Korea's stupid isolationist policies could not send a single band to perform for the comrades of Vietnam's capital city of Hanoi. For one, capitalism didn't make Blackpink famous. The comrades of China should reconsider banning it. It's because socialism is what made the capitalist-made Blackpink famous. South Korea's Samsung would've never made it big without the socialist states of China and Vietnam. Blackpink is on the same level.  Viva la rebolucion!

Cooking with Communism: The Spicy Boiled Fish Favorite of the Dakilang Guro, Deng Xiaoping

Mao Zedong loved spicy pork belly . Deng Xiaoping, the dakilang guro of Komunistang Sosyal, was an avid lover of Sichuan fish dishes. In this segment of Cooking with Communism - learning about Sichuan's spicy fish would help Communists appreciate Dengist cooking.  This might be the time for Communists to drastically reduce their consumption of pork. The pig skyscrapers need to be stopped for public health. It's time to make more Chinese eat more fish and less pork. Deng probably made the Chinese eat more fish hence why the Tiananmen Square Massacre had to happen. Health hazards should be gotten rid of ASAP. Fishing projects that pledge allegiance to the state will provide the fish. Foreign investments involving fisheries are welcome. That's as long as they pledge allegiance to the Communist state. By learning this new dish - it may be time to stake down pig skyscrapers which are just plain ridiculous. 

Not Kabataan Partylist, It's The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth League

Public Security News The colors are dark blue, right? Nope, this isn't the CPP-NPA legal front known as Kabataan Partylist. Instead, it's the Ho Chi Minh Chinese Communist Youth League. The colors are startling but the difference is there. The Komunistang Sosyal has presented its support for these proud-to-be-red-tagged Vietnamese youth. They carry the proud banner of the Ho Chi Minh School of Thought. The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth League can be seen enjoying their iPhones. There's no contradiction in being a sosyalist and enjoyng iPhones. Vietnam may be a Communist state but it has accepted Apple factories . The Komunistang Sosyal Rebolucion is now powered by private firms pledging their allegiance to the state.  As defined, Vietnam has adopted not just the Ho Chi Minh School of Thought but also the Deng Xiaoping School of Thought . The Communist youth must be educated at the University of Economics - Ho Chi Minh City which is one of the top universities. These generat

Mao Zedong: Not a Great Economist But a Great Military Leader Nonetheless

It's true that Mao Zedong wasn't so well-planned. It was through the great teacher of Komunistang Sosyal, Deng Xiaoping, that China saw improvements. Another great teacher of Komunistang Sosyal was Do Muoi of Vietnam. However, we can't deny the military genius of Mao. Without Mao, the corrupt regime of Chiang Kai Shek would've not been overthrown. Even the great democratic socialist, Lee Kuan Yew, acknowledged that Mao was a great military genius. Mao made some mistakes during the Great Leap Forward. However, we can't dismiss that Mao himself learned well the methodological influences from Sun Tzu's Art of War . One of the most important quotes of Mao himself was this on Guerilla Warfare: Guerrilla leaders spend a great deal more time in organization, instruction, agitation, and propaganda work than they do fighting, for their most important job is to win over the people. “We must patiently explain,” says Mao Tse-tung. “Explain,” “persuade,” “discuss,” “convince

Music Mondays: The Chinese Communist Youth League Are Dream Chasers

Here's the song "We Are Dream Chasers" by the Chinese Communist Youth League. Above there's indoctrinated Uyghur chick Dilraba Dilmurat with other Chinese celebrities. The call for the Sosyalist movement is to be a dream chaser. That was the dream of China and Vietnam. The Komunistang Sosyal follows the Deng Xiaoping School of Thought. It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white. What matters is that ang pusa nakahuli ng daga. It's way better than this jingle by Kabataan Partylist. Their miyembros are always whining day in and day out. Gusto ng Komunismo pero ayaw ng military training? Gusto ng free stuff pero saan sila kukuha ng pera if they're so against FDIs? That's why North Korea is a failure. Cuba is a failure. Learn the art of Komunistang Sosyal from schools like the University of Economics - Ho Chi Minh City.