Bui Quynh Hoa Exercises Karl Marx's "To Each to His Ability" at Dak Lak Province

The Komunistang Sosyal would like to greet its beautiful comrade Bui Quyn Hoa with the best of wishes. This event was taken from her official Facebook page. Yes, Facebook can be a platform to promote Communist ideals IF one practices Doi Moi and Communism with Chinese Characteristics. The charming smile of the beautiful Quyn Hoa beats that of Sarah Elgago's almost perpetual frown. The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) shamelessly took these photos with an iPhone and uploaded them on a MacPRO. 

Both Ho Chi Minh and Vladimir Lenin understood the role of the youth. Lenin said, "Give me just one generation of youth and I'll transform the whole world." This is the motive behind the establishment of openly Communist youth groups. Unlike the pseudo-socialists of America--the Komunistang Sosyal strives to create HARD-WORKING Communist youths. This is the aim of Quynh Hoa when she went to Dal Lak and tagged everyone red. The NTF-ELCAC can't do a thing about it!

Vietnam presents its wide range of QUALITY products. The reason is that there's no prize without a struggle. The Vietnamese enterprise has been faced with FDIs for a long time. Vietnamese comrades can now even line up and get their MacPROs and iPhones in the open. Quynh Hoa herself is proud to sip Starbucks and use a MacPRO, while discussing why the Communist free market is better. That means don't expect to have her show off her naked body any time soon.

These products wouldm't have reached the pangdaigdigang merkado if it weren't for FDIs in Vietnam. Vietnam's Doi Moi porgram has allowed it to defeat the capitalist Philippines. The oligarchy is a product of capitalism. Real socialism is achieved through free markets under government control. The socialist cause is to develop products for society. Profit isn't the top priority since businesses must contribute to the Communist state's development. That's why the Komunistang Sosyal rejects both the IBON Foundation and the Philippine oligarchy. Tried and tested, these Vietnamese products are now teaching Communist doctrine wherever they go. 


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