
Showing posts from December, 2023

Filipino Commies Need to Learn from Communist Vietnam's Sosyalist Buses

The PISTON group which is most likely a CPP-NPA legal front still goes against PUV modernization. A shame really since China and Vietnam have modernized their public transportation. There are also CPP-NPA legal fronts such as Bayad Muna, Kayabangan Partylist, and others that are still against PUV modernization. However, the Komunistang Sosyal would recommend that these Filipino commies, to remain relevant, must accept that old jeepneys need to be phased out and new PUVs must be done. Better jeepneys can still be manufactured but they can't be done through self-industrialization. It's time to take a look at the best of Vietnam's Komunistang Sosyal buses... This is a picture of the buses in Vietnam. Sure, the Philippines can start to create their own buses with the classic jeepney look. However, it can only be possible if they decide to become freer with FDI. Vietnam doesn't just sell its products in the world market. Its quality products are a result of the state enterpr

Happy Birthday to the Dakilang Militarista, Mao Zedong

December 17 would be the commemoration of Joma Sison's most useful contribution to Communism - HIS DEATH. Now, the Komunistang Sosyal would like to give some tribute to the great military leader, Mao Zedong. Without him, the Chinese Communist Party would've failed to conquer China from the corrupt hands of Chiang Kai Shek.  Unlike Joma, Mao studied Sun Tzu's Art of War strategy well. In the case of Mao, he was the champion of guerilla warfare. Guerilla warfare deals with a more powerful opponent by using small mobile groups of people often undertaking coordinated small surprise actions such as sabotage. It's pretty much how Sun Tzu's subtle tactics rather than direct force helped. Mao made a hasty retreat and there he planned to weed out traitors. Eventually, Mao use the Art of War in many of his deadly weddings, such as during the Hundred Flowers Campaign. In the war against pasaways, one tactic that can be employed is NOT saving people who want to commit suicide.

Joma Sison's Most Important Contribution to Communism Was HIS DEATH

The CPP-NPA has always been a bad joke. Sure, they can claim to love Maoism but they sure hate China. Even worse, their leader Joma Sison was nothing but a coward. An irony that he should berate Deng Xiaoping and China while he went to the Netherlands. To be consistent and for him to party with chicks - Vietnam and China were the most viable options. He could've partied with chicks in Ho Chi Minh City or in Shanghai. Instead, he chose the Netherlands which is ironically a CAPITALIST, NOT A COMMUNIST COUNTRY. The failure of Joma and his legal fronts is their desire for isolationism. CPP-NPA fronts such as Kayabangan Partylist, Lazy Filipino Students, Alliance of Complaining Teachers, Anakpatis, Bayad Muna, Migraine International, Kadamay, and many more have been stuck with some obsolete ideals. True, the great Mao Zedong was a military leader who learned Sun Tzu's Art of War well. Mao overthrew the corrupt regime of Chiang Kai Shek. However, Mao made a severe error during the Gr

Cooking with Communism: Vietnam's Communist Sandwiches, Banh Mi

It's time for a new segment of Cooking with Communism. Neither capitalism nor communism are methods of production. Indeed, Vietnam is now participative in the paindaigdigang merkado by accepting FDI and selling its products worldwide. The next challenge is to turn capitalist bagels into communist sandwiches called Banh Mi.  This new meal has become an influence worldwide. It's too bad that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) just can't convince North Korea and Venezuela to open their doors to FDI. Meanwhile, some democratic countries are enjoying these Communist sandwiches. 

Communist Music Mondays: Socialism is Good

It's time to prepare for another Komunistang Sosyal song. In the quest to bring sosyalismo aka Komunistang Sosyal - we present this Chinese song with these lyrics in English: Socialism is good, socialism is good! People of socialist countries have high social status. Reactionaries are overthrown, Imperialism tucks its tail and flees. The entire country is united setting of a tide in socialist construction. The Communist Party is good! The Communist Party is good! The Communist Party is a good leader for the people. It keeps its promises and works wholeheartedly for the people. Firmly adhere to the Communist Party in the assured construction, the assured construction, of our great motherland! Socialism is good, socialism is good! The people protect the socialist system. The power of people is invincible, the resistance of reactionary cliques is destined to fail. The cause of socialism will definitely be victorious, a communist society will definitely come true, will definitely come