Happy Birthday to the Dakilang Militarista, Mao Zedong

December 17 would be the commemoration of Joma Sison's most useful contribution to Communism - HIS DEATH. Now, the Komunistang Sosyal would like to give some tribute to the great military leader, Mao Zedong. Without him, the Chinese Communist Party would've failed to conquer China from the corrupt hands of Chiang Kai Shek. 

Unlike Joma, Mao studied Sun Tzu's Art of War strategy well. In the case of Mao, he was the champion of guerilla warfare. Guerilla warfare deals with a more powerful opponent by using small mobile groups of people often undertaking coordinated small surprise actions such as sabotage. It's pretty much how Sun Tzu's subtle tactics rather than direct force helped. Mao made a hasty retreat and there he planned to weed out traitors. Eventually, Mao use the Art of War in many of his deadly weddings, such as during the Hundred Flowers Campaign.

In the war against pasaways, one tactic that can be employed is NOT saving people who want to commit suicide. If they want to commit suicide because of the rules for discipline then LET THEM. That would be a good way to avoid wasting bullets on people who hate to follow rules. Some people say they'd rather kill themselves if they have to follow rules. It might be best that if they decide to do so then the government can win the war against pasaways. 

Mao's use of guerilla warfare and various other tactics made many wonders too. Think of how Chiang Kai Shek had to flee China. It's too bad that the late Mao Abnoy didn't bother to use Sun Tzu's Art of War against his guro Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. If he had done that then the Yellow People's Army (YPA) or the Komunistang Dilawan would've won the battle. 

Anyway, Communists can celebrate Mao's birthday by studying the Art of War. The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) failed to study it. Joma ended up being a shame to the cause of Communism with his obsolete ideals. Mao's military strategy continues to evolve. China and Vietnam may have rejected Mao's FAILED economic policies but his warfare strategies are still useful. 


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