
Showing posts from January, 2024

Filipino Communists Don't Understand FDI at All

 As the Komunistang Sosyal prepares for a new Communist plan - it has looked at the Filipino Commies. The CPP-NPA legal fronts such as the IPOT Foundation, Migraine International, Bayad Muna, Anakpatis, Alliance of Complaining Teachers, Kayabangan Pantylist, PISTON, Nadamay, etc. are totally ignorant. The Komunistang Sosyal has had some members flying off to the University of Economics-Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) to learn Doi Moi. The Dakilang Guro, Do Muoi had allowed Communist Vietnam to become a rising tiger. In no time, the evils of American capitalism aka unrestrained free markets will be crushed. Foreign direct investment (FDI) means that any country, capitalist or Communist, will allow foreigners to invest in the country. Both Do Muoi and Deng Xiaoping allowed American companies to enter their territory. Deng went to America and finally said, "Communist China is open for business." Deng then created the principle of Communism with Chinese Characteristics. Vietnam's Doi

Understanding the Internationale: Why Communist Nations Must Accept Foreign Investors

Communism seeks to evolve and it must evolve. One of the hymns is called "The Internationale" which calls to unite the human race with this refrain: So comrades, come rally And the last fight let us face The Internationale unites the human race. The Communists of North Korea, Venezuela, and the Philippines dream of an isolated state. However, two Dakilang Guros of Communism saw the light. They were the late Deng Xiaoping and the late Do Muoi. One can only guess what To Lam did when he decided to try Salt Bae's gold-leaf steak after paying tribute to Karl Marx's grave in London. Has it been from Communism to capitalism really quick? It's verified that To Lam was using his brand-new iPhone to take photos.  Communism doesn't seek to become an isolated philosophy. Instead, it seeks to go worldwide. No nation is an island. Based on the findings of the Komunistang Sosyal - victory is born out of struggle. That's why China and Vietnam have been accepting foreign

Filipino Communists Say "Only FDIs Get Rich" But the Komunistang Sosyal Begs to Differ

The old ideals of CPP-NPA legal fronts goes with, "Pero ang dayuhan lang magbenepisyo." Well, that claim can now be refuted by the University of Economics-Ho Chi Minh City as well as China's history. It's because FDIs, by definition, are foreigners who invest in the country. When investing in the country, here are a few rules to follow when investing in ANY country, Communist or not: FDIs may not be able to buy land but they can lease land. In short, they must follow the leasing laws if they want to continue doing business.  FDIs are required to pay their monthly, quarterly, and yearly taxes. Taxes are based on taxable income. There are deductible items such as itemized deductions, about expenses. FDIs are still required to follow environmental by-laws to keep the Communist state clean and green.  FDIs are still required to follow other rules like peace and order.  FDIs in short, must pledge allegiance to the glorious Communist State! The FDIs do get rich but their in

The Naked Side of the Capitalist Free Market

The Komunistang Sosyal wrote its ideals on the naked truth of American capitalism . This new meme would show how the Communist free market's restrictive free market wins over the unrestricted free market of capitalism. After the launch of several Apple products in Vietnam - the government still took a strong stance. Some members of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) were sent to disciplinary camps after they were jacking off to beautiful American women in the nude. Yup, their iPads had to be confiscated for the time being and cleansed of all full-frontal nude materials. The three spectrums of economic freedom would be left (Communist), conservative (middle), and the far right (capitalist). Sure, South Korea, a democratic capitalist country has an alliance with Communist Vietnam. Too bad that North Korea's government has refused to learn from Doi Moi. Doi Moi is real socialism one way or another. The spectrum goes that capitalism's lack of restraint has led to its

Vietnamese Starbucks Commies: Discussing Sosyalist Economic Plans with Apple Products

It's time for another rant against the unrestrained capitalist system. Capitalism and sosyalism aren't methods of production but ECONOMIC systems. Yes, that's right, and Vietnam considers itself a socialist free-market economy and not a capitalist free-market economy. It's because capitalism is an unrestrained factor. Just look at how KDramas seldom allow glimpses of nudity (though no full front). That will not sit well with the high council of Communists. The slogan is, "Gosh! Capitalists must be so poor! They can't afford clothes!"  The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) had to set public WiFi censorship after the release of new iPhones and MacPROs. Some members of the CPV youth front, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) were caught jacking off to beautiful naked blondes on their newly-released Apple gadgets. Vietnamese communists must know Playboy caused the defeat of America in the Vietnam War! Apple can work in either a capitalist or sosyalist

Next Focus: Vietnam's Socialist Economics on Focus

It's really more than time to redefine the term socialist. The reason why North Korea and Venezuela aren't real socialism is because of the rampant amounts of poverty. As the Dakilang Guro Deng Xiaoping said, "Poverty isn't socialism! To be rich is glorious!" The beautiful Communist Bui Quynh Hoa here displays that Vietnam may be steps closer to becoming that socialist paradise. Apple's development goes from China to Vietnam . Idiots like to say that Vietnam doesn't accept FDI. The contrary is true. How can Vietnam engage in the world market if the products aren't sosyal or world-class? How can Vietnam convince people to embrace Communism if the results are bad? That's why people reject Communism. It's because North Korea and Venezuela continue to give it a bad name. With FDIs accepted thanks to the Doi Moi Policy - Vietnam manages to sell world-class products that proudly give people a taste of Communism! Just imagine if the Communists of Viet

Focusing on a New Year, New Communist Revolution

It's time to take the key takeaways for the Komunistang Sosyal. The Komunistang Sosyal has its latest agenda with the socialist vs. capitalist road. Some say that it's hypocritical to use iPhones and iPads to criticize capitalism. Which countries have been assembling them but COMMUNIST ones such as China and Vietnam? Even capitalist South Korea saw the potential of Communist Vietnam as a partner. Now, it's time to do some review and planning for the Komunistang Sosyal revolution. Socialism vs. capitalism needs to be highlighted Doi Moi has become one powerful ASEAN economy. This is proof that Communism CAN succeed if it modifies its model. No, Vietnam is far from the unrestrained capitalist practices of America (such as the use of beautiful naked women) but on the sosyalist angle. Vietnam may use bikini-clad Commie chicks (but beware not to touch them or face Gulag-style castration). Sosyalism is to focus on free market Communism.  Communist Vietnam has become a powerhouse