The Naked Side of the Capitalist Free Market

The Komunistang Sosyal wrote its ideals on the naked truth of American capitalism. This new meme would show how the Communist free market's restrictive free market wins over the unrestricted free market of capitalism. After the launch of several Apple products in Vietnam - the government still took a strong stance. Some members of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) were sent to disciplinary camps after they were jacking off to beautiful American women in the nude. Yup, their iPads had to be confiscated for the time being and cleansed of all full-frontal nude materials.

The three spectrums of economic freedom would be left (Communist), conservative (middle), and the far right (capitalist). Sure, South Korea, a democratic capitalist country has an alliance with Communist Vietnam. Too bad that North Korea's government has refused to learn from Doi Moi. Doi Moi is real socialism one way or another. The spectrum goes that capitalism's lack of restraint has led to its appropriate representation as a naked woman. Kristy Garrett's nude (but covered) photo would represent the end result of the lack of restraint of capitalism. In the end, it results in nudity. 

After discovering American nudity on their iPhones - some of the HCYU recruits jumped to the conclusion, They all reacted like Son Goku would in the Dragon Ball Anime. Yes, it's heavily censored in Vietnam due to the heavy amounts of nudity. The University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)'s faculty maintained, "Capitalism will make you go naked sooner or later."

South Korea's dabbling with capitalism may have compromised things. Watching the K-Drama series My Name and Mask Girl reveals the darker side. The K-Drama Somebody also had some nudity. Han So See and Im Jin Ah had some naked scenes. Korean laws prevented them going full front. It seems Jin Ah wasn't comfortable with being naked in the brief nude scenes. So Hee was most likely intended to have several nude shots but were canceled. That would be the exploitative side of capitalism. 

In the socialist perspective, businesses and communities are to be in balance. Deng Xiaoping wisely chose the socialist road. It should be to prevent the rich from becoming too rich. The rich are required to pledge to the Communist state. Businesses are to be properly regulated. In the context of the Komunistang Sosyal - the Dengist path of Communism and Doi Moi are better than the democratic free markets. 


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