Key Takeaway for the Chinese New Year: Pursuing the Road of Communism with Chinese Characteristics

This Lunar New Year, the comrades must remember the great movement called Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Better renamed as Communism with Chinese Characteristics. Capitalism and Communism are ECONOMIC SYSTEMS - not the means of production. Capitalism didn't invent the iPhone but private enterprises. Neither did Communism invent Xiaomi and Huawei. Xiaomi and Huawei have operated in capitalist countries and Apple in Communist countries. Now, it's time to remember a fundamental with the Dakilang Guro, the late Deng Xiaoping, brought in the Komusistang Sosyal Manifesto:

A pragmatic approach

First coined by Deng Xiaoping in 1982, the concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics aims to redefine the relations between planning and socialism, and market economy and capitalism. It has preserved institutions of socialism and public ownership while importing sophisticated management experience and advanced market mechanism from developed countries.

"Planning and market forces are not the essential difference between socialism and capitalism. A planned economy is not the definition of socialism, because there is planning under capitalism; the market economy happens under socialism, too. Planning and market forces are both ways of controlling economic activity," Deng explained.

The existence and growth of private ownership, according to Deng, does not necessarily undermine socialism and promote capitalism in China. "Development is the absolute principle. We must be clear about this issue," Deng said.

The reform and opening-up initiated by Deng in late 1978 adopted elements of the market economy, which became the first major step in the creation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 

"The Chinese socialist system and state governance system did not drop out of the sky but emerged from Chinese soil through a long process of revolution, economic development, and reform," Chinese President Xi Jinping said.

Over the past four decades, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics has led China to remarkable achievements. China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew from $149.54 billion in 1978 to $14,342.9 billion in 2019, while its GDP per capita rose from $156 to $10,262. By the time the CPC marks its centenary in 2021, China is also poised to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

The next step of socialism with characteristics is a Communist state powered by private businesses under oath. Yes, businessmen can continue to operate as long as they pledge their allegiance to the Communist state. The state industry remains but it faces competition from private enterprises. If Xiaomi and Huawei didn't face off against other smartphone makers - they would NEVER reach the world market as is.

The key takeaway for Communism to succeed is to innovate. The reason why Communism failed in North Korea and Venezuela is because of their close-mindedness. China should seek to unban Google and Facebook. Those two tools are the best tools to combat the unrestrained capitalist market in exchange for a socialist free market. 

What capitalism lacks is implementing harsh discipline for rulebreakers. In Communist states, habitual rulebreakers can expect to be sent to the gulag. The battle against printed nudity is to keep the soldiers in the right mind. Just think that Playboy caused America to lose the Vietnam War. Vietnam could've been defeated if the comrades were jacking off to beautiful naked women. 


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