Why Communism Rejects the Use of Beautiful Naked Women in Its Glorious Agenda


The Komunistang Sosyal highlighted the problems of the American capitalist economy. The sosyalist economy has been better, allowing American products to sell throughout Asia. Apple Inc. could've not succeeded in launching it across Asia. The democratic Philippines lost the opportunity. Instead, Apple chose to build its Asian factories in Vietnam and China. 

No wonder commie professors have blatantly displayed their brand new MacPROs proudly built on Communist philosophy. Commie professors from the University of Economics-Ho Chi Minh City and Peking University have proudly displayed their MacPROs and iPhones. 

Communism still continues its strong ban against nudity in the media. Penalties continue to be stiff against nudity in the media. That also includes a ban on Playboy. After all, Playboy did play a role for America's loss in the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese won because they didn't spend too much time jacking off to beautiful naked women. 

The failure of capitalism can be shown in the beautiful naked woman. Who remembers the time when Sega Saturn tried to sell consoles with a naked blonde? The whole campaign was a FAILURE. Capitalism means a super-free market with nearly no restraint. The American system has allowed the liberal use of nudity. Japan also did too. 

The superiority of socialism to capitalism can be summarized as:

So, to build socialism it is necessary to develop the productive forces. Poverty is not socialism. To uphold socialism, a socialism that is superior to capitalism, it is imperative first and foremost to eliminate poverty. True, we are building socialism, but that doesn’t mean that what we have achieved so far is up to the socialist standard. Not until the middle of the next century, when we have reached the level of moderately developed countries, shall we be able to say that we have really built socialism and declare convincingly that it is superior to capitalism. We are advancing towards that goal.

The Dakilang Guro, Deng Xiaoping, had said those words. The need to develop productive forces. Unfortunately, the use of beautiful naked women can decrease productivity. A recent experiment at the UEH and Peking University had two groups. The second group was allowed access to nudity in print, unlike the first group. The experiment showed incredibly low productivity in the second group. Those with access to nudity in print sang the "Le Internationale" and did their work. The second group produced both inefficiently and ineffectively. They suffered too much procrastination when a photo of Playboy model Kristy Garett (this time, private parts were uncovered so the photo will not be shown here) caused them to do slower work. After the experiment, the second group needed to be sent to the Gulag to be disciplined.

A bit of the Business News shows why nudity in print is incredibly stupid: 

Sometimes, sex garners attention without producing any brand extension or sales results. 

“Sex is not as effective when selling high-risk, informational products such as banking services, appliances and utility trucks,” Reichert said. Marketing for such items is based on facts, testimonials and customer service. Using sex to sell where it doesn’t fit won’t help move product.

The idea that sex doesn’t always sell is supported by the results of an International Journal of Advertising study, which found that participants might remember sexy ads, but they didn’t necessarily recall what those ads were selling. 

“We found that people remember ads with sexual appeals more than those without, but that effect doesn’t extend to the brands or products that are featured in the ads,” said John Wirtz, an associate professor of advertising at the University of Illinois and the study’s lead author.

Wirtz and his co-authors used meta-analysis to look at 78 peer-reviewed studies examining the effects of sexual advertising campaigns. The research offered a new take on sexy messaging: Sexy ads might be memorable, but they often fail to sell the products or services they’re promoting. 

The socialist mindset is meant to get greatly disciplined. The capitalist mindset is pretty much anything goes to make a sale. Socialism means restrictive control of the inflow and outflow of goods. Not everything goes to make a sale. Sure, there have been bikini commie girls such as SHN48 in bikinis. However, nudity is still unacceptable as it reduces productivity by a huge margin. 


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