Building a Youth Recruitment Network Superior to Kabataan Pantylist


The Kabataan Pantylist is nothing more than a direct rip-off of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU). Yes, the people above aren't members of Kabataan Partylist but they're members of the HCYU. The Komunistang Sosyal would like to learn more from the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) instead of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

With the help of FDIs and some good old iPhones - the Konunistang Sosyal seeks to develop a youth recruitment application. The aim is to get the children away from the Kabataan Pantylist recruitment and learn more from Vietnam's HCYU.

Representatives of the Komunistang Sosyal are now working with HCYU IT and CS students. The aim is to create a new youth recruitment application. It's a way for the young recruits to connect with the HCYU and other productive Communist youths. Currently, HCYU might want to connect with their Chinese counterpart - the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL).

Right now, Vietnam enjoys the free market socialist environment. Hence, it's more than ready to enjoy newer stuff. The rules of Doi Moi and the Ho Chi Minh Thought continue to flourish. Kabataan Pantylist can just cry their hearts out.


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